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Believe us!

2020/2/3 19:25:15 TKD CO., LTD Reading 10 Times

This Chinese New Year Holiday is unforgettable memory for all Chinese People.

TKD members spent miserable holiday with all days stay at home and are not suggested to go out because of Coronavirus.


But don't worry, it is very pleased to see that our government already has taken fast action to invest and build the large hospital just in 7 whole days and nights to cure the infected, 

also the government has extended the holiday period and controlled the virus by closing cities, highways, railways to cut off the spread of virus among the people.


Experts, doctors, nursesvolunteers all flow to Hubei province for curing infected patients.


Many people in China from different careers make 100% efforts for donations of money or medical masks and equipments. (TKD also donated for supporting Hubei Province to fight against CORONAVIRUS disease)


These days, TKD team even talks with some foreign friends who works in superhard industry regarding this event, some shows unbelievable with Chinese people eat Wild animals like bat, snakes etc. Here TKD want to explain and correct the saying, only very few idiot eat that, we all hate the idiots who bring the virus to human, but it doesn’t mean same to rest of 1.395 billion population of China.


We admit this is biggest fault created by the few idiot in China, but we are making 100% effort to stop the spread of virus and clear the nightmare.


Everyday TKD team reads these news and feel motivated and moved with tears, we are so proud of our country, and proud of our heroes in China, TKD believe our president Xi, believe our Chinese people, and believe anyhow the Coronavirus battle will be won very soon.


The hospital has been put into use and managed by the military


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