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Powerphotonics Releases New Beam Shaper for High Power Laser Cutting and Welding

2022/2/14 11:30:22 TKD CO., LTD Reading 54 Times

Recently, the annual SPIE Photonics West was held grandly, attracting many domestic and foreign optoelectronic manufacturers to participate in the exhibition. Various new products and cutting-edge technologies came to the stage, and the scene was exciting. 

At this year's show, PowerPhotonic introduced a new beam shaper for improved high-power laser cutting and welding. 

The product, called a "Light Tunnel Generator," offers cost savings by increasing the efficiency of high-power laser cutting.

It's designed to create a ring-shaped light spot that is held steady for a considerable distance, creating a light tunnel (which has a much slower caustics speed compared to axicon or similar solutions).

 PowerPhotonic's light tunnel generator is a thin glass window with a unique precision freeform surface (patent pending) that fits inside a cutting or welding head. This forms a perfect solution for creating annular intensity distributions in excess of 10mm in laser cut (or welded) metal. 

The profile of the input beam is assumed to be Gaussian and matched to the design input diameter. The beam shaper then redistributes the energy in the beam so that when the beam is focused by the lens, it forms a ring. This ring is several times longer than other ring generators. 

Key advantages:

 - easy to use

 - 3 times the Rayleigh range of axicon

 - 95% molding efficiency

 - Over 20kW CW high power handling

 - Control and Guidance Psychology

 - energy photons

 - Cutting Welding Optical Beam Delivery

 TKD keeps up with the pace of scientific and technological development, and adopts the most advanced technology to promote the progress of superhard material cutting process

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